For the past 13 years we have heard how all our problems are the fault of the long since departed apartheid regime.
The ANC spin doctors resort to all sorts of excuses when things go wrong, as they have been doing for the past 10 years.
Now is the time for the truth.
In 1994 the ANC took over a country that was in a healthy state of repair, with an Education system rated one of the top ten in the world.
A Health system that produced pioneers in many fields of medical research and enjoyed the respect of the medical fraternity the world over.
A transportation system that was the envy of the rest of Africa, and a network of roads equal to the best in Europe.
A police force that controlled crime.
A water supply rated one of the cleanest in the world.
What have we now?
An education system rated at the bottom end of a field of 50, with a required pass rate of 33% (the lowest requirement of any system in the world, and still our pupils are unable to achieve this miserable standard).
We have a health system where those in control believe beetroot and garlic will cure AIDS, where babies die in hospitals through lack of knowledge, medication, equipment and efficient care.
Where untrained staff forget to check regularly on patients in serious condition.
We have a Minerals and Energy Minister who suggests that businesses close for certain periods to conserve electricity whilst South Arica suffers power failures, but until very recently continued to supply electrical power to our northern and eastern neighbours.
We have cholera outbreaks because of contaminated water supplies in rural areas.
We have a crime rate which is just about the highest in the world.
We have a government composed of officials under investigation for corruption, theft, fraud, consorting with criminals, drunken driving, speeding and many other forms of law breaking.
Time to tell the truth – the ANC government is incapable of running our country. And their policies border on insanity.
The ANC policy of Affirmative Action has stripped the country of 75% of its skilled population and is responsible for the deprivation of the constitutional and social rights of the white population.
The practice of putting black people in a position way above their ceiling of competence is now showing the inevitable signs of efficiency erosion at all levels. Along with the inevitable rise in prices and lowering of standards of service and living.
The Black Economic Empowerment policy has empowered a certain group of people (all ANC members) at the expense of the entire population. And has cost, and continues to cost, our country billions of rand.
The ANC government officials, both local and national have embarked on a policy of rewarding themselves with excessive salaries, and ridiculous bonuses, for utter inefficiency.
Eskom is another case in point, with an alleged R143 million paid in bonuses, whilst the country suffers an energy crisis due to ignorance and lack of planning. This crisis now threatens the economy of our country.
I am sure many of those who operate a Telkom service have had the pleasure of holding on for 49 minutes when contacting Telkom's help line. (My personal best was 59 minutes on January 26, 2008. I must admit that I was helped after that period, which was a refreshing change).
We have a crime rate that is the envy of the Russian Mafia, who will no doubt soon be relocating to Johannesburg and Cape Town. (The Sicilian Brotherhood are already here it seems, enjoying the friendship of some of our Commissioners and Ministers).
We have roads which, in the rural areas, are slowly crumbling away, if they have not already disintegrated.
We have roads in our towns and cities which have more potholes than a slice of Swiss cheese. We have traffic lights which do not work for at least 2 - 3 days each month.
As a reward for this farcical and criminal inefficiency, the government hands out awards and bonuses to all concerned.
Let's be honest. Several Ministers should have been fired by the President 4 years ago. Those involved in Health, Safety and Security, Education, Home Affairs, Land Affairs, Labour and Minerals and Energy should long since have walked the plank.
The latest madness is to disband the one department that stands between absolute corrupt government and the man in the street, the Scorpions.
In fact our democracy, such as it is, is under severe threat.
We have a former Minister of Defence who bought fighter planes which the airforce did not want, and who, it is alleged by a former ANC Minister, received R39-R50 million for his troubles.
We have two submarines (cost R1.6 billion a piece, it is alleged) which are languishing in Cape Town Harbour as no one can drive them.
We also have a fancy army, which costs millions monthly, with no one to fight. Which is why we have millions unemployed and without shelter.
And 4 million refugees, which we cannot afford to cater for.
But if one criticises the present ANC government, (which should be one’s democratic right), one is labeled 'racist'. But the biggest racists are those who accuse others of racism, and everyone knows where they are.
Let's be honest, tell the truth and declare quite openly, the ANC are incapable of running this country.
The Pied Piper.This letter was published in a South African Newspaper.Your thoughts?
Let me start by saying, I do not / did not agree with apartheid. I know it is wrong.
But it doesn't change the fact that the apartheid government knew what they where doing (with regards to keeping the country running).
They where not a bunch of people with high salaries sitting on their arses in a Learjet on their way to another shopping-spree in Dubai.This letter was published in a South African Newspaper.Your thoughts?
I would like to respond to Zim :
1.Can you tell us what exactly was the passing rate of black pupils in SA prior to 94 and what is it today !
Aids were not an epidemic yet ,failure to adress the problem was ! Missinformation by our minister is FATAL ! The previous government did not let the people die in the milions of sicknesses like this one does !
3.In all fairness , government simply cannot build roads to where ever Sara Molefe wants to erect her shack ! There are things like infrastructial planning and development ! Why do so many people die in floods in SA ? They build their houses were they are not supposed to and without propper thinking !
When was the last time you went to a village ? How do they plan these things ? They build where they want and it is almost impossible to build roads everywhere ! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail !
4. Where do you get the rediculous idea that the SAP only protected the whites ? Like you ask , give us your sources !
5. What rivers were deliberately contaminated because only black people used them ? Are you insane ? Please give us your sources ! In that era you would be arrested for pissing in the street and jailed !
I used to respect your postings but this one borders to the nonsense someone like Ayiza would post !
South Africa is going down the tubes faster than a lead turd, the reason for this is not in the action of the previous government it is the fault of of the ANC who have taken corruption and blatent incompetence to a whole new dimension.
Affirmative action is racist even when you call it (sic) positive discrimination, it is blatant anti-white racism.
Now why arn't all of the librals screaming about this racism?
Hey Zim$ do you remember what was there before Bantu education??
When all of the white and black, anc commi liberals were bitching about the Nats and the state of SA at the time, were they being racist? it would appear that they were.
To all of you people that say that SA blacks were slaves and oppressed yadda, yadda, yadda.. isn't that your mommy calling you, telling you to go to bed?
you went into exile just like all of the millions of White South Africans who find living under a corrupt, Black communist regime like the ANC ,intollerable are doing now, they are voting with their feet, you probably went into exile because the white man wouldn't wipe your RRRRs for you, of course you would have gone straight into university in SA because if you are black you do not require any sort of qualification or academic achievement to get in, that is why qualifications from SA universities are being down graded world wide, it helps to get a job if the student with the degree can actually read.
Hey Zim$ do you remember what was there before Bantu education??
Hi Alf, please post the source or link to make this article have more credibility.
Hi Alf, you also get an Amen to that from me too, ditto to that, I just wish more people could read it in Black and White DAILY, to get the FACTS, in their thick skulls,,......as for some idiots answerer's, well, I just cant understand them....they have the same mind frame as their idiot leader Mbeki.....
One doesn't need facts to realise this is true, its obvious to the naked eye, and to the first response, once again i see answers are blaming the past, instead of correcting them.
hear hear! please post a link - i can think of A LOT of people i'd like to send that to.
as for the posters above me - please post an opinion only if you actually know what you're talking about!!!!! have you ever been to south africa in the past 10 years?
do you realize it is now a reversed apartheid - but the world sits still and does NOTHING? talk about double standards.
do you realize that white peope are raped in front of their families and killed for absolutely no reason?
i can go on, but the above article paints a very clear picture. and yes, it's the absolute truth.
ps, slavery was in america, not south africa. and south africa's minority government was the only government in history to give the country back without any conflicts - such as war, etc. and we didn't murder the natives until we were the majority as with the Native Northern Americans...
';Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
found the article - it's an essay. check
adrose - south africans were more than willing in training the blacks. south africa is the white's country as well, and we didn't want to see it go down the drain. why do you think most of us stayed after 1994?! but with policies such as Affirmitive Action and Black Empowerment, it's impossible to train people - your retrenched because of the colour of your skin... even if you are much better qualified! talk about reverse apartheid!
And if you don't want to learn... You can only take a horse to the water...
Amen to the truth.
Pity he left out the Landbank fraud (R800 million), the theft of white owned and productive farms and the resultant deterioration in agricultural output, the government sponsored murder of peaceful farmers, the collapse of the Rand, the county's leader's rape trial and 21 children and the collapse of our neighbour to the north largely due to ANC approval of their barbaric policies and refusal to speak out against tyrants such as Mugabe and their various other despotic allies.
Mind you, he was only writing a letter, not a book.
Thanks Alf i have mailed this to all my friends with e mail addresses. I feel quite ashamed that it was you who is British that discovered this article and not me who is South African. All is true
Except for the ';Fancy Army'; I agree with you. The Defence forces can not be trusted with these expensive weapons. Look what happened with the Oerlikon Anti Aircraft Gun? they managed to shoot their own mates and then blamed the makers, who have been making these for 70 years?
I think that the safest thing to do with the Sub's, Planes, etc is
to leave them to Rot, with the rest of the huge pile of equipment. It was never about the defence of the country in the first place. It was all about ';Empowerment'; of the elite. They would not know the difference between a Boomerang and a Bomber, so, lets hope they never, ever have to use force of Arms. And the Minister doesnt like anything that travels at less than 200k per hour.
My thoughts are, you reap what you sow. You cannot expect to hold the majority of a population in total slavery for generation after generation and then hold on to the same standard of living when that slavery ends.
I agree with Marky. There are problems, no question, but they will gradually be resolved. Apartheid was evil, the majority have won - get used to it.
Hey, Marky, you put your foot in it when you spoke of the ANC 'spin doctors'. This word is a nice way of describiing people of different opinions to yourself. as liars. Which I would not say you are. But, honestly, haven't you done a 'garnet' on your self. Shut away behind your locked doors of Aparthiet, not daring to look out and see where all those wonderful things were coming from, and who provided them at what cost to others that did not have the benefit of he wealth of South Africa. Did you really believe that the day would not come when the majority would rule and that you, in your own defence had better train them to deliver to all South Africans the benefits of modern society. No! you did the same as the Belgians, a so-called Christian people, in the Congo, who got out and left the country to fall ,into disaster. You sowed the wind------
Apartheid prevent education and care of the black community so when it was abolished, what do you hink would happen? This isn;t the fault of the community but the fault of the deciiosn to virtually create slaves in the first place. Had this barbaric regime not have been allowed, the current situation would have been much better.
You are also painting a rosy and false picture of the situation before it ended.
However, not sure why I'm bothering with this as you are obviously a close-minded racist who will dismiss my arguemnts as liberl nonsense.
Luckily, there are more sane minded like me in the world than nasty hate filled people like you.
To the author of the letter: Your letter is full of inaccuracies, allow me to respond to some points that clearly shows that you are not factual but prejudiced;
Quote: In 1994 the ANC took over a country that was in a healthy state of repair, with an Education system rated one of the top ten in the world.
Response: What do you mean by “healthy state of repair”. You must be joking about the education….when I went to exile….I had to do “O” to be admitted to “A” levels but would have go straight to “black university” in apartheid South Africa……do you still remember Bantu Education? When did it end that made SA education to be among “the top ten in the world”?
Quote: A Health system that produced pioneers in many fields of medical research and enjoyed the respect of the medical fraternity the world over……. We have a health system where those in control believe beetroot and garlic will cure AIDS,
Response: You must be living in a dream world. Who said beetroot and garlic will cure AIDS….give me her direct words, not what people interpreted..
Quote: A transportation system that was the envy of the rest of Africa, and a network of roads equal to the best in Europe.
Response: Go and tell this to granny Belinda in GaMphahele, or to Modise in Sekhutlong, or maybe Mkhize of Nkandla. They will all tell you that you don’t know what you are talking about. I’ll agree with them because you never lived in the rural areas where Blacks were sentenced to abject poverty and no development whatsoever.
Quote: A police force that controlled crime.
Response: Yes, you are right…in as far as protecting whites only. We lived under dark clouds of death threats from gangsters. Majority of whom worked with the police to undermine our fight for liberation.
Quote: A water supply rated one of the cleanest in the world.
Response: The only Blacks who enjoyed clean water were the ones living in the locations…..we used to fetch water from the rivers…..in some cases the rivers would deliberately be contaminated……after all, only Blacks used them….
To: De La Rey…….
We are unable to know the exact figures as a big chunk of blacks were learning in the Bantustans…… I agree with you that the government’s response to AIDS was not good but should we lie about what the Minister said in order to show how critical the situation is? Why can’t we say what they did or said without adding things they didn’t say or do?
……I agree with you that people can’t expect gov to built roads…..I go to the rural areas at least once every quarter…..ask any Black person who was an adult by early 1990s how often were communities attacked by gangsters and how often were the police assisting to protect them…….I (as part of the team of lawyers under UNISA Legal Aid Centre) handled a case of a small community of Rosenekal in what used to be eastern Transvaal…..a farmer threw insecticide into the river despite him knowing well that they used the river for drinking water…….he then told us that he had the “right to do as he pleased”…..
Quote: “In that era you would be arrested for pissing in the street and jailed!”
Response: I agree with you that this is disgusting and at least it was effectively dealt with by the apartheid government. I know that some people get angry with me on this one, but the truth is that only BLACK MAN go around doing that disgusting thing.
And if these facts are true, they are the harvest of what? What is the cause for this effect? Let's face it government the world over is in crisis at the moment for corruption, inadequacy and deliberately misleading the people. Is it more of a global malaise?
Britain- politicians accepting illegal donations
US- Iraq War and lying, 50 years of promoting global terrorism
Italy- 61 governments in 64 years
China- human rights abuses
Russia- new dictatorship, corruption, crime wave.
France and Germany- odours of corruption around ex-premiers
and the list goes on and on....
The label of racist in a South Afrian context is not for criticising the government, it is because many South Africans criticise with a ';I told you this would happen under the blacks'; type of mentality. This is where race comes into it.
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